HS5.3.1: Water resources policy and management – managing trade-offs at the nexus between water, food and energy

As part of the “Water Resources Policy and Management” group of sessions, Tim Foster and Roshan Adhikari are convening a session at EGU 2021 focused on water-food-energy-environment nexus trade-offs. If you are working on research and policy in this area, please do consider submitting an abstract to our session. Further details about the session and how to submit abstracts are given below.

“Water sustains societies, economies and ecosystem services globally. Increasing water demands from population growth, coupled with shifts in water availability due to climate and land use change, are increasing competition and conflict over access to and use of freshwater resources in many regions. To address these challenges, integrative approaches to water management and policy are required to balance and manage trade-offs between social, economic and environmental uses of water. This session will provide a forum for showcasing novel and emerging research at the intersection of agricultural production, energy security, economic development, and environmental conservation. In particular, we encourage contributions to the session that:

  • identify knowledge gaps and improvements to understanding about the critical interconnections, feedbacks, and risks between system components
  • highlight development of new methods or tools for evaluating and monitoring trade-offs and performance in water allocation and management between different users and sectors
  • evaluate alternative technical, policy, and/or governance solutions to address water-food-energy-environment system challenges in different locations and at various scales (local, regional, and even global)
  • discuss examples of more and less successful initiatives within research and policy designed to facilitate integrative planning of water-food-energy-environment systems.”

We welcome submission of abstracts in line with the abstract theme above. Abstracts for oral and/or poster presentations can be submitted directly via the following link: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU21/session/39092

The deadline for abstract submission is Wednesday 13 January 2021 13:00 CET. This year, the EGU meeting will take place as a virtual event from 19-30 April 2021 with each presenter providing a virtual PICO presentation followed by an interactive Q&A webinar with those attending the session

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