Sep 21, 2020 | East Africa and Eastern Nile, Uncategorised, Water resources
A hydro dam currently under construction in Ethiopa is set to be the largest hydropower plant in Africa, but could be heading towards controversy for international agreements on water sharing. New research from FutureDAMS points out that some negotiated strategies for...
Aug 13, 2020 | East Africa and Eastern Nile, Social impacts, Uncategorised
Read the FutureDAMS working paper ‘Resettlement of Gumuz Communities around Ethiopia’s Blue Nile Dam‘. This working paper explores the programme of resettlement of Gumuz farmers and others living at low altitude along the Nile and Beles rivers, whose home...
Mar 5, 2020 | Uncategorised
The FutureDAMS decision-making framework and analytical toolset is being co-developed with partners in Myanmar. In this interview Professor Aung Ze Ya of Yangon Technological University talks about his role in the project, the energy needs of Myanmar and how the...
Jan 6, 2020 | East Africa and Eastern Nile, Politics and governance, Uncategorised
By Barnaby Dye Africa has experienced a dam boom since the mid-2000s with projects across the continent being built by the so-called rising powers like China, ‘traditional donors’ (e.g. the USA and Germany) and established international development organisation such...
Dec 16, 2019 | East Africa and Eastern Nile, Politics and governance, Uncategorised
By Barnaby Dye A boom in constructing electricity infrastructure is underway in Africa – whether in generation plants or power lines. However, there aren’t many studies explaining why this building wave is taking place. My new paper presents a detailed case study of...
Oct 30, 2019 | Finance, Uncategorised
Tuesday 29th October 2019, 12:30 – 16:15, King & Spalding (Singapore) The roundtable discussion commenced with a brief welcome and introduction to the FutureDAMS project by Judith Plummer Braeckman. Judith then delivered presentations providing an overview of our...