Jun 26, 2019 | News, Water resources
Professor Julien Harou was recently invite to give a 15 minute talk at the Geneva Water Hub. The Water Talks series is an open-speech opportunity for researchers to expose and explain their ideas, their stances on contemporary challenges linked to water governance....
May 23, 2019 | Research, Water resources
New open access research by The University of Manchester’s Robel Geressu and Julien Harou shows that if dam re-operation is considered in planning systems of dams, future designs of these costly water-energy-food systems can be drastically improved. They were able to...
May 22, 2019 | News, Research, Water resources
‘Connected and Flowing’, the recent report by WWF and The Nature Conservancy was co-authored by FutureDAMS research director, Julien Harou. It recommends that any new dams should be subject to a system scale trade-off analysis, of the type that FutureDAMS is...
May 16, 2019 | Research, Social impacts, The Volta river basin and Ghana
Yesterday we were joined by Frauke Urban, Associate Professor in the Management of Sustainable Energy Systems at KTH, as part of the FutureDAMS lecture series. The lecture focused on the findings from her recent comparative study of Chinese hydropower dams in Africa...