Dec 11, 2018 | Finance, News, Research, Social impacts
By Judith Plummer Braeckman (CISL) and Jamie Skinner (IIED) Large hydropower projects can cost more than a billion dollars to build. For the private sector, to whom Governments are increasingly turning for infrastructure finance, this represents a significant...
Dec 5, 2018 | News, Water resources
This autumn at UNESCO in Paris the International Hydropower Association held a meeting entitled ‘Improving decision-making for hydropower’. FutureDAMS Research Director Julien Harou was an invited speaker and gave the following 10 minute presentation on the...
Nov 29, 2018 | Research, Water resources
Researchers at the University of Manchester have developed a systems modelling approach which determines how much water managers should store across complex constellations of dams. The approach could save California alone over $100 million annually. FutureDAMS...